Future Band Members

If you have chosen band as your elective next year, CONGRATULATIONS!  We are very excited to meet you all. If you have not chosen band as your elective next year, it’s not too late to join!  Contact Mr. Alvarez to get registered at jalvarez1@kleinisd.net

Did You Know?

  • You can be in band AND athletics, theater, and cheer.
  • You will have the opportunity to perform in concerts and competitions plus participate in solo and group competition all over the Houston area and beyond!
  • We have several trips and parties planned for band members every year!
  • Each day you will work with your director and friends to make music on your instrument.

Fun BAND Facts!

  1. 96% of our nation’s astronauts performed in the fine arts during their school years, including Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon.  Mr. Armstrong was a talented euphonium player in middle and high school band.
  2. National Association of Secondary School Principals reports 66% of all college freshmen drop out after the 1st year.  In contrast, 96% of band students graduate from Universities.
  3. American Medical Association states that the #1 admittance to medical schools are students that majored in music as undergraduates.  Pre-med majors are #2.
  4. It is a fact that music students represent the top of the academic scale in our schools.  We know they are averaging 107 points higher on SAT exams.
  5. Admission criteria into most major universities put at the top of the list, commitment through the senior year to an extra-curricular music activity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need experience to be in the band?
A: No background is necessary! We teach beginning band classes that start from the very beginning of how to play an instrument

Q: Does band conflict with other school activities?
A: NO! Most of our students are involved in many other activities at our campus, including all different sports, drama, LOTC, GT classes, and all sorts of clubs. We encourage our students to have a well-rounded experience in middle school.

Q: What is the time commitment for practicing?
A: We encourage students to practice from 20—30 minutes each day to maintain and develop their skills. Some do more and some do less. Results vary from child to child, but it’s generally true that “you get out of it what you are willing to put in.”

Q: How do I  get started?
A: Put band as your first choice on your elective form! You can also email Mr. Patterson at tpatterson1@kleinisd.net. Once you select band as your top choice, you will receive information in the mail regarding instrument selection meetings. During these meetings, you and your parents meet with the band directors to receive more information about band and to select the instrument that you will learn how to play in band. It is very important that you do not purchase or rent an instrument before attending this meeting or setting up an individual appointment with one of the band directors. Once you have selected an instrument and turned the information form over to a band director, you will be scheduled into the appropriate beginning band class for the fall.

Q: What instruments are in the band?
A: Instrument options include flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba, and percussion.

Q: Does the school provide instruments?
A: Some instruments are provided by the school. Certain instruments are quite expensive, so local music stores do not rent them to customers. The availability of these instruments is determined by several factors including a child’s suitability for the instrument, the size of the class year-to-year, and the number of instruments on inventory.

Q: How do I donate to the band program?
A: If you are thinking of donating an instrument, you are welcome to bring it in. If we don’t have a student who can use it on our campus, we can certainly find a place for it in our district!


Beginner supply lists are located under the forms tabs or can be found HERE.

We strongly suggest purchasing instruments from H&H or Music & Arts, as they offer instrument models that are durable, high quality, affordable, and include excellent repair warranties (because kids will be kids). That said, we understand the desire to seek out other options, but ask that you contract your child’s director with your researched instruments as not all instruments are created equal!